This, according to speakers
at the webinar held to launch the fifth edition of the awards, is key even now
as the world’s attention has shifted to Covid-19 pandemic at a time the ravages
of the climate crisis continue to threaten the biodiversity.
Speakers, elected from media
stakeholders from Francophone and Anglophone African countries, as well as
non-media stakeholders from several agencies, including the United Nations and
African Union Commission, said it would be wrong to view the Covid-19 as a
stand-alone crisis, and consequently deny other pertinent issues media
attention and focus by governments.
The webinar, themed
“Environmental reporting in times of crisis: Covid-19” also called upon
journalists to balance the focus given to policy makers in the boardrooms with
that of the voices of the citizens for whom policies were made, because there
is a part for them to play in tackling any crisis that befalls them.
While ushering in the panel
of seven, the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) Executive director
Dr Mithika Mwenda, said the organisation birthed the ACCER Awards in 2013 to
help increase focus on climate change stories in newsrooms, where it was always
pushed to the back burner.
“Many media houses do not
find environment and climate change stories sexy, and therefore despite the
fact that the climate crisis has led to the loss of lives and continues to
distabilise us, much focus is given politics without the policy makers being
pushed to be more accountable,” said Dr Mwenda, a multiple international award
winner for the work he has done in increasing environmental conservation
through his push for climate justice.
He said the initiative that
targets African journalists had helped improve the focus on the continent’s
The webinar attended by at
least 140 people from around the world, based the discussion of the day on the
topic: “Environmental Journalism in Times of Crisis: Covid-19” with the panel focusing
on the challenges of environmental journalism, the opportunities for journalists
and expectations of non-media stakeholders on environment and climate change reporting.
Chief of the African Climate Policy Center (ACPC) of United
Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA),Dr James Murombedzi, said Africa’s voice needed to be
heard better in the global decision-making table, where policy frameworks were
designed, but with less science from the continent to find solutions that would
best work for us.
“There is adequate
capacity in Africa to interpret the science and use the same to guide policy formation
and citizens involvement in tackling crises,” he said, adding that it was sad
that Africa relied on solutions suggested by people who had no clue what went
on in Africa.
“How do journalists ensure
that the citizens understand and participate in the response to the crises such
as covid-19 and climate change,” he asked, then added that the role of
journalists to inform was key in ensuring the right balance and democracy,
which is “dependent on the information that goes out to policy makers and citizens.
All these depend on the availability of information, of which media is the
He urged journalists to
enrich themselves with knowledge of the local happenings to enable them to push
for accountability for development and policy issues.
Lilian Odera of Kenya
Television Network, said it was the responsibility of media and journalists to
correctly interpret technical issues to the society and policy makers, and
appeal to the latter to at least prioritise matters of climate change, even
though the Covid-19 is also a crisis.
“As journalists we are also
in this same environment and are equally affected by the crises of climate
change and even this coronavirus. What we must do is keep abreast with the
developments by always knowing how to merge expert opinion, our observations
and the society’s opinion to bring out what will in the end cause action from
all quarters in tackling any crisis that befalls us,” said Ms Odera.
She said even though
critical issuesmade it hard for journalists give climate change adequate
attention, all was not lost.
Kofi Adu Domfeh of Ghana,
who is also a two-time winner or the ACCER Awards, urged journalists to
recognise their role and the opportunity they have in saving humanity by
highlighting matters of climate change and not also shy away from competing for
the awards that would reward them for such acts.
He, too, urged journalists
to see the opportunity in writing about Covid-19 and appropriately linking it
to other problems such as the climate crisis. “For example, Covid-19 has so
many links to the environment we live in. The environmental implications of
this disease, for instance, are so many, and through journalists we can help tackle
Deputy Director General of Cameroon Radio TV, Emmanuel Wongibe said climate change and Covid-19 are
twin crises that the world economies must balance between in response.
He was sad that the Covid-19
pandemic had pushed all other topics, including climate change to the back
burner, but said there was hope for journalists to link the disease and its
effects to several other issues, the climate crisis included. He said
journalists needed to think beyond the normal to help push for prioritisation
of environment and climate change in allocation of resources financial resources.
“Climate and Covid-19 crises
are not events but both processes that will stay with us for long. They call
for a sustained attention, and we have to juggle both in our sharing of
resources,” he added.
Senior Policy Officer, Climate Change and Desertification Control at African
Union CommissionLeah Wanambwa Naess, called forbalance between science, policy
public opinion in stories from journalists, as well as checking of facts at a
time of crisis, like the world was in. “Give us something solid, research and
fact check, so that the stories do not give room for speculation but answer all
the questions that the audience might otherwise seek from unreliable sources
and cause unnecessary negative effects,” she said.
Panel moderator Eugene
Nfrongwa, who is an environment journalist from Cameroon and an Energy Thematic
Lead at PACJA, said it was painful how African journalists knew everything
happening in the global scene but paid little attention to the developments
within the continent concerning climate change and policies.
Augustine Njamnshi, the
continental Africa Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access coordinator, who is based in Cameroon sought media’s
help in pushing for economies to accord climate change adequate attention to
prevent destruction and deaths.
“Where has the money for
stimulus projects for countries suddenly come from? They are only helping now
because Covid-19 is running a 100-metre race, while climate change, which is
here to stay, is running a marathon,” he said.
Several participants raised
questions, some which were addressed by the panellists.
“Do we envision a greener
recovery path,” asked Joe Ageyo, a Citizen TV journalist in Kenya.
“Are citizens taking
ownership of the climate issue as a result of journalists’ work? A journalist
has to look for a sexy topic. That has not helped address the climate crisis,” said
Ibrahim Sane, a media specialist in Senegal.
Journalists have until September
30, 2020 to submit stories for the competition through accerawards@pacja.org. The stories must have been published between August
2018 and August 2020, either in English or French. The categories fall under
print, TV, radio and digital categories.