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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poem: Two Worlds Apart

Moving through life’s unfavourable terrain
All looking depressive and dreary
Rising at odd hours in search of daily needs
Burning under the armpit of uncle sun to survive
Yet gaining not a survival allowance
Nothing getting any better, too frustrating
The least possession shared with friends and family
An exclusive responsibility that dry the body and soul
Could only manage hand to mouth affairs
Almost always in a state of emergency

Moving through life’s favourable times
All looking blissful and exciting
Rising at own hours in search of daily wants
Buzzing under brother breeze to seek living
Yet gathering more than a life-long wage
Everything getting the better, very fulfilling
The more possessed spent on women and drinks
An exclusive responsibility that waters the ego and status
Could always afford to spend as the will dictates
Almost always in a state of expansion

Why has it always been so?
Sometimes it is a result of greed and theft
Other times it is for the joy of oppression!
Yet some are born unfortunately depressed
And some achieve fruitful deeds in hard work
But it could also be a mental or physical disability
Or an unwillingness of the soul to be of help
Sheer laziness could be an answer
Many also do not reason nor plan positively
And some have hearts of mischief to the merciful

Could it also be through bloody deeds?
When the left hand is continually full of bribes
Integrity and uprightness become strong contestants
Surely, our two worlds are created by us
And the barrier can only by torn apart by us

It is only human to forget not the needy!
Beast-like to oppress for selfish personal gains
And wicked to despise the righteous
It all starts in the mind!
Just have the wish to live and not to let die.
© Kofi Adu Domfeh

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