leasing or buying of farmland by foreign governments and private investors has
been described as 'land grabbing'.
are serious concerns about the threat to smallholder farmers and the
environmental impact of intensive agricultural production. But such grabs could
also work to the advantage of developing countries, as a valuable source of
will meet at London Zoo on 26-27
March to join the dots between large land deals, conservation,
land rights and efforts to tackle poverty in poor communities worldwide.
will present research on both impacts of land grabs on conservation and its
reverse – the role of conservation as a driver of land grabs. They will also
share studies that show how stronger land rights can improve conservation
issues are burning because worldwide large land deals are on the increase, and
they often take place in areas that are home to both large numbers of poor
people and important biodiversity. People and wildlife can lose out when
investors acquire land for large scale agriculture.
the same time, there are growing threats from ‘green grabs’ that displace
communities in order to conserve wildlife or gain value from eco-tourism,
biofuels or the carbon that forests store in their wood.
meeting in London—organised by the International Institute
for Environment and Development, the International Land
Coalition, the Zoological Society of London and Maliasili Initiatives — is
the international symposium of the Poverty and Conservation
Learning Group.
Speakers will present case studies from Cameroon, Uganda,
Chile, Kenya, Mongolia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Ethiopia, Liberia
and Cambodia.
global rush for land threatens to squeeze out both poor communities with weak
land rights, and wild species and habitats that we should be conserving,” says
Dilys Roe, a senior researcher at IIED, which convenes the Poverty and
Conservation Learning Group. “It is in the interests of both the conservation
and land rights communities to tackle the land rush. One solution is for them
to work more strategically together to secure or strengthen local land rights
in ways that bring both conservation and development benefits.”
land tenure is a foundation of community-driven conservation efforts around the
world,” says Fred Nelson, Executive Director of Maliasili Initiatives, which
supports sustainable natural resource management efforts in Africa. “The
current land crisis provides an opportunity for conservation, development, and
human rights groups to work together to address historically-rooted weaknesses
in the recognition of local communities’ land rights, and to enable communities
to better secure their territories and the natural resources on which their
livelihoods depend.”
Poverty and Conservation Learning Group
(PCLG) is a multi-stakeholder forum, coordinated by IIED, for promoting
dialogue and fostering learning on the links between biodiversity conservation and
poverty reduction.
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