An immediate intervention by the Ministry of Food and
Agriculture could avert the total collapse of the citrus industry in Ghana.
This is the concern of stakeholders in the industry who
gathered at Mankranso in Ashanti Region for a workshop on the constraints in citrus
production and marketing.
Considering that most of producers are small-scale
farmers who lack the capacity financially to solve the problems facing the
industry and the urgency of solution to the pests and disease, especially the Angular
Leaf Spot disease, the following have been recommended:
To earmark a budget that will support the
citrus industry as it is done with cocoa;
Consider the citrus among priority crops so
as to get funds from the ministry and donors as well;
Help citrus producers access credit
Strengthen the capacity of Extension Staff
to handle such situations; training in citrus related courses;
To make resources available for research
into citrus production and marketing.
The following constraints were identified
in the citrus industry; lack of disease-free planting material, incidence of
insect pest and diseases, lack of access to international markets and
inadequate processing facilities, poor harvesting and post-harvest handling
The sub-committee of food and agriculture
should regularly visit farmers so as to have first-hand information about the
real problems faced by citrus producers and other stakeholders;
To encourage the MOFA to mainstream the
citrus industry policies
To work closely with Extension, research in
clean seeds/seedlings, good practices and other technologies to improve their
production and therefore their income.
To come together and form strong farmer
associations in all districts where citrus is produced in Ghana.
To consider citrus as business and prepare
to invest in it.
Should interact constantly with farmers and
involve them in citrus research from planning to implementation;
To assist in the creation of innovation
platform involving all stakeholders in the citrus value chain.
To provide clean planting materials and
resistant and high yield varieties;
To conduct studies showing the
profitability of the commodity, the competitiveness of citrus production in
Ghana and the potential of Ghana in citrus production.
To assist in the creation of the innovation
platforms that will help to improve the citrus industry;
To advocate for more external funding.
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